On Saturday I went to Kroger to take advantage of the Doubles Mega Event. I arrived early along with many other couponers. In a country blessed with so much I was surprised to observe the following:
- There was urgency, even anxiety in the facial expressions of the majority of the shoppers.
- Courtesy was scarce and smiles non-existent both amongst shoppers and supermarket staff.
- Staff was overzealous in the manner in which they handled coupons.
- There was an increased participation of male solo shoppers with coupons as well as husbands assisting with the second cart.
As a family of two our needs for food in bulk are particularly small. I wholeheartedly believe I have a responsibility to be a good steward of our resources and stockpile when applicable with the vision of sound management but without loosing perspective that we are to trust God for the day and ask for our daily bread in confidence that he is a trustworthy provider. In looking at this huge pile of food I am compelled to prayerfully audit my attitude towards provision and consider the following:
- My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and as such I must care for it and respect it. Excess in eating does not honor God. Even when I have plenty it is my duty to eat to nourish my body and not to satisfy my cravings.
- I have both the obligation and the privilege to share my blessings. Not the stuff that I like the least or the items of lesser quality or nutritional value. I must share it all reminding myself that I am to love my neighbor.
- God has blessed me with the resources, creativity and time to stockpile. I cannot allow myself to do it with a heart of fear for my future provision. Instead I must do it in trusting the King and giving thanks for the portion I receive daily.
- The total out of pocket of this shopping excursion represents 1.5 months household income for a family in Haiti.
- All that I have is not mine, it is entrusted to me and I will have to give account.
- I am reminded of the feeding of the 5,000. God can do much with little. God can do much in the place where I am. God does not find pleasure in waste instead he desires for us to optimize even the last crumbs of His blessings.
For those of you that are number focused my final results are as follows:
Out of Pocket $65.52
Total Coupon Savings $101.86
Bonus Coupon Match $69.48
Store Savings (sales) $34.63
Catalina $1.00
Total Items 104
Cost per item .63 cents